Pixelmon 1.12.2 6.2.3 server
Pixelmon 1.12.2 6.2.3 server

pixelmon 1.12.2 6.2.3 server

17551 Berry Wood planks not dropping their respective block.17558 Mules spawning in the wild and replaced their spawn egg by Mudsdale and Mudbray.17530 Crash caused by a Pixelmon incompatibility during world load with OpenTerrainGenerator.17568 Critical security data issue on world loading.17590 Data transfer failures resulting from MoveSkill data when first loading on Storage failure when saving a player with boss(mega) save data.Enforced server resource packs not downloading properly.Registry mismatch when a client(BYG+Pixelmon or ExplorerCompass+Pixelmon) connects to a server(Pixelmon).Added new Beach, Badlands, Forest, Snowy, Mountain, Mushroom, Plains, Savanna, Desert, Jungle and Swamp waypoint structures.Updated spawntimes for Raikou, Eternatus, Type:Null, Cosmog, Volcanion, Landorus, Kyurem, Regigigas, Mesprit, Registeel, Rayquaza and Jirachi.Updated evolution method for Petilil, Bergmite, Ursaring, Quilava and Scyther.Added missing online forms Cinderace 'Goku' and Mothim 'Bug Catcher' forms.Updated textures for Temple Brick and Temple Block.Updated item attack speed for Pixelmon tools and weapons.Updated item attack damage for Pixelmon tools and weapons.Added Tumblestone, Sky Tumblestone, Black Tumblestone, Peat Block and Black Augurite to Pokédrops, External Move: Rock Smash, Mineshafts and Village Masons.Lowered the chances of Apricorn or Berries from Forage drops.Added experience and ability items into high tier Pokéloot drops.Added power held items to high tier Pokéloot drops.Removed all berries from Pokéloot drops.Added silver and gold bottle cap to high tier boss drops.Added evolution stones to common boss drops.Updated the experience candy spread on boss drops.Removed silicon, type gems, feather, grass, brick, clay, blaze powder from all raid drops.Updated default raid star weightings in the raids config.Updated Raids with new Pokémon star spread.Added PokéDollars default balance to general config.Added Blast Furnace smelting mechanic for Black Augurite.Replaced all recipes using Aluminium Plate to Aluminium Ingot: Healer, PC, Infuser, Fossil Cleaner, Movement Plate, Stick Plate, Gym Sign, Item Finder, Trade Monitor, Trade Holder Right, Trade Holder Left, Trade Panel, Trade Panel, Green Tank, Orange Tank, Camera, Fossil Machine Top and Fossil Machine Base.Updated ball recipes to split between tiers of Ball Bases (i.e.17489 Added Tumeblestone-based recipes for Ancient Poké Ball, Ancient Great Ball, Ancient Ultra Ball, Ancient Heavy Ball, Leaden Ball, Gigaton Ball, Feather Ball, Wing Ball and Jet Ball as well as their Lids.Added recipe for Iron Base, Aluminum Base, Silver Base, Wooden Base and Platinum Base.Removed hammering mechanics from Pokéball crafting.

Pixelmon 1.12.2 6.2.3 server full#

17767 All commands now support Minecraft-native selectors, such as Commands now require a target player's full username.Added waterlogging to Temple Pillar and Broken Temple Pillar.17494 Updated the Temple Pillar and Broken Temple Pillar."Pixelmon players, soon to be Vampire hunters."

Pixelmon 1.12.2 6.2.3 server