Dark deception steam community
Dark deception steam community

dark deception steam community

Listening to his story, you might come to wonder: who are your friends, really? How do you know who to trust? This particular operation took place in an undisclosed location. But it’s a fine line between persuasion and manipulation. In his time with the CIA, he honed the ability to turn people he’d only just met into close personal friends, a skill he put to work in order to recruit foreign assets for the Agency. NARRATOR: Ryan Hillsberg could teach a graduate-level course on human relationships. I did the bulk of my career in Europe, a little bit in the Middle East and Asia, and really enjoyed the career. RYAN HILLSBERG: My name is Ryan Hillsberg and while I was at the CIA I was an operations officer. Would you feel betrayed if you learned they were after your secrets? Would you conceal the truth if you wanted theirs? Can a relationship built on secrecy also be one of trust? NARRATOR: Think back to that person you trust so much.

dark deception steam community

A lot of people that have a black-and-white mentality don't do well. RYAN HILLSBERG: What really makes a good operations officer is your ability to live in the gray. Set aside the black-and-white mindset and put yourself in the shoes of a spy. If that sounds rather cynical, you’re thinking like a civilian. And in exchange for our time, our friendship, our insight, our expertise, we gain something. How did it begin? Who initiated the exchange? What was the power dynamic between you? We’re all born into families, but everyone else in our lives is an asset. Think back to the early days of that key relationship. Think for a moment about someone you trust, someone you can always rely on. NARRATOR: This is True Spies Episode 67: You, Me, Same Same. They might think that, but: "No, I'm different.” And respect and that foundational relationship is so strong. RYAN HILLSBERG: Even if they know, in the back of their mind: "Oh, my goodness, this whole time, Ryan was only after me to do this.” Even if they're thinking that in the back of their mind, they've already rationalized that away because they have so much trust and love. What do they know? What are their skills? And what would you do in their position? You’ll meet the people who navigate this secret world. Week by week, mission by mission, you’ll hear the true stories behind the world’s greatest espionage operations.

dark deception steam community dark deception steam community

Dark Deception was designed to be enjoyed by everyone.True Spies Episode 67: You, Me, Same Same Dark Humor: While scary, Dark Deception is not a bloody or gory game and features it's own stylized brand of dark humor.Players will have to change up their tactics in order to survive. Unique Enemies: Every nightmare presents a unique creature that has its own distinct AI.


The mazes themselves are full of traps, hazards, and other dangers to watch out for. Hazardous Environments: Enemies are not the only danger.High Quality: AAA-quality graphics and creative designs give players a variety of unique and terrifying worlds and enemies to survive.Power System: Earn XP and unlock powers as you progress that will allow you to even the odds and survive longer against horrendous creatures.Enemies can be stunned and avoided, but not killed. Fast-paced Arcade Horror: No hiding in lockers here.The question is - what are you afraid of? There are monsters in there and they are looking for you. This is the first chapter in the Dark Deception story. Trapped in a dark world full of nightmarish mazes and ridiculous monsters, the only way out is to face the darkness and find a way to survive. Description Steam Store Description (from Ad Blurbs) Dark Deception is a story driven first-person horror action maze game, created from a collaborative indie effort between DD's original creator and the creator of TJOC: Story Mode.ĭark Deception mixes the fast-paced style of classic arcade games with fun horror game design.

Dark deception steam community